February 6
Public meeting
Project launch
March 16
Special Meeting
The rationale Visit of facilities (if conditions are favourable), rationale, and infrastructures
Valoris, 107, chemin Maine Central
The visit of the site will be in May. Weather forecasts predict a lot of rain between now and Saturday morning. For safety reasons, we decided to postpone the visit until May.
April 6
Water quality, animal and plant life, wetlands
May 25
Workshop - New Date - 8:45 AM until noon
- Infrastructures
- Leaching water management and treatment
- Integration into the landscape
- Commission scolaire des Hauts-Cantons
- Salle des commissaires, École du Parchemin
- 162 Saint-Jean Avenue West,
- East Angus, J0B 1R0
June 27
Workshop - 6:45 PM
- Air quality
- Atmospheric dispersion
- Traffic flow
- Noise
- Commission scolaire des Hauts-Cantons
- Salle des commissaires, École du Parchemin
- 162 Saint-Jean Avenue West,
- East Angus, J0B 1R0
September 25
Special Meeting - 6:45 PM
Economic aspects, communications, and community contributions
- Commission scolaire des Hauts-Cantons
- Salle des commissaires, École du Parchemin
- 162 Saint-Jean Avenue West,
- East Angus, J0B 1R0